Early days yet for 2025, so not much listed here yet. However so much happens around the club this page tends to grow as bookings are confirmed and as the year progresses. Consquently this page also tends to be updated the most frequent, so please return again to check out what we are getting up to. At the risk of it becoming 'cluttered' past dates are left posted, to give an indication of our full activities, that we don't just 'play trains'.
Public / External Events 2025
Sat 18th / Sun 19th January: "Canterbury Model Railway Exhibition"
(Scan of Organiser's Leaflet)
See us at the City of Canterbury Model Railway Society's annual exhibition. We shall have our display stand and maybe portable track rides (weather permitting).
Venue: St. Anslem's School, Old Dover Road, Canterbury.
Sat: 10am~5pm / Sun: 10am~4pm
Public Running Sunday Afternoons
(Was Wed. 1st January 2025). POSTPONED DUE TO STORM WEATHER.. See in the New Year with some fresh air and steam.
New date: Sunday 5th January Sturry Track ~11:00 am 'til we get cold! - EVERY Sunday afternoon,
Autumn Times: ~1pm to ~3pm
Winter Times: ~12 midday to ~2pm
Sturry Track Site, Marlow Meadows, Sturry.
Caveat: weather permitting, of course!
The words: "Public Running" here means we give rides to members of the public, who simply turn up and want to have a ride on a little train. Indeed this is the purpose; smiles on young and less young faces.
Please note, this is not a promise to run every weekend REGARDLESS, as sometimes we may have to divert our limited efforts to other events elsewhere.
🔝 Return to top of page.Private Events and Birthday Parties
- BIRTHDAY PARTIES These are private events put on for younger train enthusiasts. (We are of course flexible over the word 'younger')
- None yet booked
See: "Birthday Parties" page for booking details.
Members of the public may have rides, but AFTER a party has finished.
🔝 Return to top of page.Club Meetings
Listed twice so you don't miss it! (Was Wed. 1st January 2025). POSTPONED DUE TO STORM WEATHER.. See in the New Year with some fresh air and steam.
New date: Sunday 5th January Sturry Track ~11:00 am 'til we get cold!
Last MONDAY in the month, 7:00 for 7:30pm
- 27th Jan .... To be announced.